Think about an experience, time, {and|and after that|and so|additionally|and therefore} risk that {you have taken|you'll have taken|you took|you'll take|you take} that has {significantly|increasingly|severely|enormously|greatly} impacted your {life|lifestyle|way of living|being|lifetime}. This can be a moment {of time|in time|of one's time|of one's energy|of this time} in your {life|everyday life|day-to-day|dwelling|way of living} that might {have|get|has|keep|feature} happened when {you were|you're|had been|you had been|possibly} a child, {a|your own|a complete|virtually any|per} teenager, a {young|little ones|budding|smaller|kids} adult, etc. {Did|Conducted|Are you aware|Has done|Has} this particular {time|evening|day|valuable time|precious time} make you {change|replace|improve|development|differ} yourself to {a whole new|a new|another|the most current|a completely new} person? Why {did you|have you} change during {this time|the moment|this occasion|on this one|here}? What achievement or accomplishments {have you done|excuses have you employed} during this {period|period of time|time of year|times|process}?
что бы выбирало один из вариантов рандомно?